Behind The Music: Why This Name, This Blog?
In case you didn’t get my reference. Legally Blonde is by far one of my top 5 movies. Anyway…Let’s get behind the music.
Someone asked me why I didn’t name my marketing business this. I wanted to establish my blog separated from my website because it has a different purpose.
My blog is my music, it is my stories, my voice and everything that I have to say through writing. Unfortunately, I have no musical talent, so don’t get your hopes up. I do know a little “My money don’t jiggle jiggle…”. That’s as far as it’ll go. And for those of you on TikTok, you are about to have that song running in your head for the rest of this read. You Are Welcome.
My featured quote is by Jay Z, and that got me through this entire journey of becoming a marketer and being able to officially call myself a marketer.
Belief in yourself, that is the foundation of something great. For the longest time I didn’t believe in myself. I doubted my capabilities, never thought I was good enough. Never thought what I had to say was important.
I dreamt big; I still do. Now, there’s nothing wrong with dreaming big, there’s something wrong if you’re only able to dream and fear of taking that chance.
I finally believe in myself, believe that I have something to offer. That my stories are important. That my music will touch someone, my stories are important and that I can make someone smile or laugh.
Ok, so let’s get to behind the music
Why do I call my blog Marketing & Mixtapes? So, for those of you who may not know exactly what a mixtape is; let’s define it.
A mixtape (alternatively mix–tape, mix tape or mixed tape) is a compilation of music, typically from multiple sources, recorded onto a medium.
So…if you think about it. There’s a similarity to Digital Marketing. It’s a compilation of different strategies (website, social media, email, etc.…) and recorded onto the digital landscape.
My favorite part of a mixtape is the part where it says compilation or sometimes there’s even collaboration. Collaborating with different elements or artists to make something so creative it’s memorable. (Hint: the word collaboration because I’ve got something big brewing in my mind.)
But a mixtape is also a digital landscape for artists, hip hop artists to put their words and stories together and turn it into something amazing.
So, be ready because my blog will have references that correlate to mixtapes (oh and marketing) because that’s what makes me unique, and what I like to talk about.
Thanks for listening!